
Spring Cleaning

Decluttering a home can be a very overwhelming task for many. Whether you are an empty nester looking to downsize, or looking to simplify a closet you may not know where to begin. You can conquer your clutter easily by using a container style method. It’s a simple yet effective approach leaving you with

2020-04-01T14:17:55+00:00April 1st, 2020|Uncategorized|

Oh, For the Love of Moving!!

 “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.”                         -A.A. Milne Perhaps you have been struck by Cupid’s mighty arrow and found love in the workplace? If you have you are

2020-02-11T22:03:13+00:00February 11th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Did you know? Boerman Logistics

        You  Sell. We Deliver. Problem Solved!   Did you know?  Boerman Moving and Storage also has a division called Boerman Logistics!  When many people hear the name Boerman they instantly think of a household goods mover that started in Brookfield, IL in 1926.  Few people realize that we started out by

2020-01-22T18:58:23+00:00June 20th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Common Packing Mistakes

Sooo…the mover is booked and the house is sold.  Time to start packing!  Anyone can pack right?  This should be easy.  Not so fast.  Here are a few details you won’t want to miss about proper packing! Common Packing Mistakes Not Being Proactive  Don’t wait too late to start packing.  Many people put off

2020-01-22T19:06:43+00:00May 3rd, 2016|Moving|

The house that built me

Yes, the title of this post is the name of a popular Miranda Lambert song!  Sorry for those country hating songsters, but don’t stop reading just yet.  This is not an article on your favorite country song or the plight of Taylor Swift and Kanye West. While sitting in traffic on I-55 this song hit

2016-02-19T19:42:40+00:00February 19th, 2016|Moving|

The Give

In the last couple of years we have been asked several times what we are doing to market ourselves. Our corporate office and other moving agencies have noticed our growth and people in our local market say, “I see your name everywhere”. There is no secret weapon or no great strategy behind what we do

2016-01-25T15:18:55+00:00January 25th, 2016|Community|

Rock Star Of The Month

Congratulations to Mickey Taylor and Sam Artrip for winning Boerman Moving & Storage on winning June's Rock Star of the Month. Sam is a long distance driver for Boerman Moving & Storage and goes above and beyond to lend a helping hand and ensure our customers are smiling! Mickey leads our local moving crews and

2015-11-11T19:46:25+00:00November 11th, 2015|Uncategorized|
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