
Where to Donate Unwanted Items

2020-12-10T17:10:08+00:00December 10th, 2020|Moving, Resources|

Donating Unwanted Items During A Move During the process of a move, you often find yourself faced with a lot of unwanted items. Like an old box TV that no one uses anymore, an outdated dresser that doesn’t match your new home, children’s books you haven’t read in years, and even the clothes that haven’t

So…you have the new kid?

2014-08-15T21:40:20+00:00August 15th, 2014|Children, Moving, Resources|

The moving van has pulled away and the last box was unpacked.  As you organize your home and get adjusted to your new surroundings there is often something the busy moving-mood adult forgets about.  On the checklist you have your new garbage service set up and the new cable provider has ensured you are ready

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